Squelching Rumors

An OPEN DISCUSSION forum to discuss 3ABN RELATED ISSUES -including posts or articles published elsewhere.

Moderators: Breezy, Lilly, Truth

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Posts: 21
Joined: Sun May 17, 2009 9:37 am America/Denver

Re: Squelching Rumors

Post by Mercy »

I wouldn't be surprised...would you? He basically claims to be the the eyes of God here on earth that has been directed to right all the wrongs that he imagines is taking place. Trouble is when he can find nothing wrong then he invents, twists and lies to make it appear there is something wrong. Then starts with a friend, a source, someone, told me this or that and all of a sudden it becomes a fact. Sorry Bob. Those actions are Directly against SOP and the Bible.
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Joined: Sun May 17, 2009 9:37 am America/Denver

Re: Squelching Rumors

Post by Mercy »

I heard Pickle was off on a wage war or some such..going on things Duane has told him. Well let me clarify for everyone.

First of all, any statute of limitations would have run out nearly 20 years ago. I think it is something like 2 yrs. Secondly Duane needs to be exposed as being so anti SDA that many folk did not want to work with him. He took a check every week from the ministry but made fun and insulted all of those who were SDA. His attitude did stink and he stayed much longer than he deserved. He told some of the other workers that his whistle blowing was in fact insurance for job security for him.
The reason he didn't try to raise a stink or sue when he was fired is because he knew 3abn had a paper trail of his negative attitude and fellow workers who were willing to witness for 3ABN.
Someone should ask him what he thinks about SDA beliefs and ask him why he couldn't do like other non SDA's who work in the ministry and understand that when you work there you are going to hear sermons on the 7th day Sabbath and if you don't like hearing it...then work somewhere else...even the non SDA's told of the negative things he would say about SDA beliefs saying SDA's are a cult and those sorts of things while on the job at 3ABN!
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Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:09 am America/Denver

Re: Squelching Rumors

Post by Truth »

Lilly--I just saw your post...and you are right. I'd never suggest Pickle is a prophet of God. no.
Posts: 21
Joined: Sun May 17, 2009 9:37 am America/Denver

Re: Squelching Rumors

Post by Mercy »

Bob Pickle is delusional. He is spouting off about success through the years against 3abn. What world is he living in?
Pickle, How can you say that you win no matter what. Are you really that mentally retarded, or has the Lord finally sent you strong delusion to believe your own lies.

Please tell us what you have won. Of course you lost your court case that lasted for years all the way to the supreme court. That for one shows you are anything but smart. EVERYONE on both AT and 3Atalk knew you were chasing a wild herring! 3Atalk people was just using common sense to see where all you efforts would lead you...to zero!
Your own supporters also were smart enough to know also and didn't care how much of your life you wasted on your jealousy's and hatred...they encouraged you to be the front guy, which you know is also called the fall guy!

You say you win either way, Right? Why don't we talk about how much you have lost over the last nearly eight years. I'll start you off and then you fill in the blanks for all the other losses. Our sources say you have lost a good relationship with your wife and family. You haven't dared to deny that even though we place it out there as you know that it could be a trap to ensnare you should you try to lie about this. If I may use your reasoning...the fact that you love to challenge every post against you why haven't you challenged the ones pertaining to your family situation caused by your endless efforts to destroy 3ABN...You have destroyed your own family. The bible says if you roll a stone it will roll back on you. Pickle, sadly to say, this has happened to you and Joy.
I wonder why no one is commenting on why Joy isn't posting much in the last couple of months or so on AT. Mmmm...I wonder if he has some bigger problems he's worried about right now...I guess time will tell...but according to our resources I think he has more important things to worry about right now. ???
Now back to you Pickle... Your LOST list. According to our sources you have lost your eldership in the church. Our sources also tell us you are being evaluated by the church for your obvious PUBLIC gossip with intent to hurt someone else's reputation.. Yes, posts like the one where you are asking people to feed you gossip about anyone living at Danny's address. These kinds of posts fall well within the guidelines of intent to do harm. You can't hide behind your reporter mask claiming your sources told you etc... ANYWAY...let's move on. You've lost what little credibility you ever had. You've lost nearly 8 yrs of you and your families lives you will never get back....You've lost any sense of fairness and honesty that you may have ever had...and without repentance, it appears worst of all, that you have lost any chance of spending eternity in heaven...
Our sources have confirmed that TS may not be the only one facing criminal charges.....
There are a number of other losses that maybe you should fill in the blanks with..privately of course...No Pickle you have not won anything through all of this...sadly to say you have aquired the greatest loss known to man...a true desire to be Christlike therefore carrying the name of Christianity with dignity and not hypocrsy!

Now you are saying you would testify that Alex is telling the truth!! That made me laugh out loud. Unless you are a witness to the alleged crime, you can't testify to anything. Anything you say would be heresay and immediately thrown out of court. The fact is that Alex's own mother doesn't believe him and she knows him way better than you do. You want to believe him because he is trying to go against 3abn...right up your alley. So sad that Bob Pickle doesn't have any other life but this.
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