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Sister Calls for Reform

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:51 am America/Denver
by Breezy
Sister/Kris Fiscalini is calling for a reform. But she is calling for a reform on her neighbor, not herself or her followers. She is specifically calling a reform on 3abn. But sister/Kris doesn't know that most who work at 3abn have already reformed their lives. They have dedicated their all to the work of God and they continue to dedicate their work and their lives to Him on a daily basis.

But we know what sister/Kris really means. She wants Danny Shelton out of 3abn. Sister/Kris has taken it upon herself to accuse and judge and sentence a man who has never been proven guilty of anything other than human foibles we all have simply because we are human. In fact, even the IRS and the Attorney General of the State of Illinois have seen that 3abn is cleared of any financial wrong-doing.

So sister/Kris--you can be assured that your concern for reform, confession, restitution, etc. is already being done on a daily basis of those who are at 3abn. God has blessed their work and will continue to bless it. So see, you need worry no more.

Here is sister/Kris F's post from AT:

"I, nor any others that I am aware of have ever suggested that it would be in the best interests of Linda Shelton to return to leadership at 3ABN. Please do not read something into my statement that was never there, in an effort to side track the issue of an urgent need for a continual call for repentance, confession, restitution, revival and reformation within the leadership and management of 3ABN, regardless of how many don't care.

GrandmaNettie, you have extrapolated my simple metaphor far beyond it's intended use and for what purpose is evident to all. I repeat:the heart of the matter is the continual call for repentance, confession, restitution, revival and reformation within the leadership and management of 3ABN, regardless of how many don't care or in their ignorance are unaware of the urgent need".

Folks: please check out fruits before you make any judgments. What are the fruits of Kris Fiscalini, husband to Pastor Jean Fiscalini in Sweden. Is she winning souls to the Lord? Is she giving Bible studies, accompanying her husband on home visits? Does she fulfill the role of Pastor's wife? Also check out what 3abn is doing. Are they showing Christ-centered programming on their station? Are they working to send a message of mercy and love and warning to a lost world?

Then ask this question: "If sister/Kris Fiscalini lives in Sweden, and hasn't been to visit 3abn in many years, then how does she know the leadership at 3bn needs to reform? The answer is that she doesn't know. Kris F. has no idea what is happening at 3abn.

So this post is to assure sister/Kris F. that she need not worry about repentance, confession, restitution, revival and reformation--it IS being done at 3abn right now. Their FRUITS show it. Instead Kris would do well to stop her gossiping tongue and look to her own backyard because her fruits are showing.